Usually the phrase, "We are back to normal" has a very positive connotation. It is one that expresses the "I am comfortable now" kind of message.
Many experts in missions will say, "On the mission field everything is just more difficult." We can attest to this, and also say, "Life is back to normal."
For example, in the States we are used to sitting down one evening with our calculator, check book, pen and a pile full of mail and writing out checks to pay the gas, phone, cable T.V., etc. Now for those who pay their bills online, the process is a little different, nevertheless it is still a one time a month deal usually without leaving the comfort of your home.
Not so in many countries like Bolivia and many others. You have to kind of build in a whole slew of unknown variables and could happens to the process.
For example, on Monday April 3rd I decided that I would get a jump on the bill paying process and do it early. Well, I set off to the phone company to pay our Cable, Phone and Internet services; I went to the closest ATM, popped my card in, waited a bit, and a slip came out stating, "Your transaction was cancelled." Oh well, there was another ATM 2 blocks away, so I went there, popped my card in, waited a bit and a slip came out stating, "You have already reached your maximum withdrawl for the day." This was impossible, since I hadn't taken anything out. So, I walked 3 more blocks to another ATM, and I got the same results. I decided to go home, get Trish's card and try it, and got the same results again.
Perplexed, I decided to go home, call the bank and ask what the problem was. I was told, "your first transaction of the morning went through and the money has been deducted from your account, and you have reached the maximum amount for the day." I explained the situation, and the bank did the favor of increasing the withdrawl amount so I could make the transaction and go a pay my bills. This was my mission for the day you know!
So I went back to the ATM, and hooray I was able to make the withdrawl. I arrived at the phone company to pay my bill; I stood in line just like everyone else; Finally got to the teller; Gave him my name and account information and was told, "You can't pay your bill until the 10th of the month." There went my whole morning, and I didn't even get anything done, except a bit of walking. As amatter of fact, trying to get a jump on paying my bills left me with more work than I started out with that morning since now I had to solve the Bank issue. Well, that's another story and I won't get into that one.
Well, a week later went to pay the same bills. I got to the ATM, popped my card in and time after time, and ATM after ATM kept telling me, "your PIN is wrong." I came home, got Trish's card (some people never learn) and got the same results. So I came home, got on the phone with the Bank, explained the situation and found that Denice had tried to make a withdrawl the previous evening and forgot the PIN and maxed it out, locking my account for 24 hours. Another morning of "Mission Unaccomplished!"
The phrase spoken by a very wise missionary to South America, "if you can get one thing done per day in South America, you are doing good" comforted me for a long time. During this week it didn't.
In a sense, this is "Back to Normal." Normal is good! It all depends on how you look at it. You see, the normal way of paying bills in the States might be pretty efficient, but it is boring. The normal way of paying bills here can be an adventure, and who doesn't like a good adventure?
By they way, I finally got my bills paid today!
Butch and Trish
By the way...notice the picture! You can either pop your ATM card in the machine or a coin in the train and get the same results. Both will give you a ride!